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TERMS OF PURCHASE AND CONDITIONS OF USE Thank you for visiting our website. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ANY OF THESE TERMS OR CONDITIONS, DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE. 1. Minors. 2. Privacy Policy Is Part Of These Terms And Conditions. 3. Anti-Spam Policy Is Part Of These Terms And Conditions. 4. Modifications And Terminations. 5. Licensee Status. 6. Content Ownership. 7. Disclaimers And Limitations Of Liability. Our total liability for any claim arising out of or relating to our website shall not exceed one penny ($0.01) and that amount shall be in lieu of all other remedies which you may have against us or our affiliates. Any such claim shall be subject to confidential binding arbitration as described later in these terms and conditions of use. 8. Obscene And Offensive Content. 9. Indemnification. 10. Compliance With Governing Law And Dispute Resolution. 11. Severability Of These Terms And Conditions. 12. How To Contact Us. 13. Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions were last updated on March 6, 2022. |
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Policies & Procedures ReferLife Policies and Procedures governing Independent Affiliate (I.A.) are outlined below. A person or organization who solicits subscription package purchases or product purchases on behalf of ReferLife will be known as an Independent Affiliate (I.A.). It is the responsibility of each and every Independent Affiliate to read and agree to these Policies and Procedures. Be Sure to READ the ReferLife Privacy Policy and REFUND POLICY ReferLife Refund Policy: We have a NO REFUND POLICY on ANY Subscription Package Purchase. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive instant access through your subscription to all of the attached member benefits for each package purchased. IMPORTANT NOTE: When a person subscribes to ReferLife they are agreeing that they have read and agree with the ReferLife NO REFUND POLICY. Anyone who tries to complete a charge back to their credit card provider will have violated the agreement and will be terminated with all present and future commissions forfeited. NO REFUND of ANY subscription purchase will be processed because a member has changed their mind. It is the responsibility of the Referring Affiliate Member and the member who is registering to make sure that they have read and agree to this NO REFUND and RETURN POLICY. All customers agree that they have read and agree with the Terms of Purchase, Policy and Procedures as well as this REFUND and Return Policy. By completing your Registration prior to submitting your Subscription Payment you agree that you have read and agree to all the Terms of Purchase, Policies and Procedures and this Return Policy.
A. Eligibility for Commissions B. Commissions A minimum withdraw of $50.00 applies to all withdraw payouts. Commissions up to $50.00 are available in your account for upgrades, subscription payments and product purchases. Note: All referral commissions earned will be paid. Be sure to have your payment processor updated to accept your commissions from your back office. VERY IMPORTANT To ensure you receive your referral commissions, your choice of payment processor MUST be updated in your Back Office at ReferLife. Failure to do so may affect whether you receive your commissions. ReferLife reserves the right to change commission payment methods at any given time, with proper notice being given to all I.A.'s.
Status as an Independent Affiliate A. Maintaining Status as an Independent Affiliate and Member All members will be given a maximum 7 day grace period to get their monthly or yearly subscription fees paid. If subscription fees are not paid in the allowed period the unpaid position will be changed from PAID to FREE CONSUMER and all commissions will be forfeited until account is in good standing. An account may be deleted at any time after a 90 day grace period has passed. B. Sale of a ReferLife Independent Affiliate Status or Business of a Independent Affiliate (I.A.) of ReferLife. All transfers or sale of ReferLife Licenses require the approval of ReferLife Admin before any sale or transfer is considered valid and non-reversible. C. Claims of Employment D. Contractual Obligations No I.A. may make a statement of any kind that ReferLife, any of its entities or themselves are in any way associated or affiliated with any charitable organization. ReferLife is a business that chooses to donate a portion from proceeds from sales of subscriptions to different charities. E. Reporting Taxes Business and Legal Entities as an Independent Affiliate A. Companies For a company to become an I.A. simply register your compnay name when you sign up, or change current status. B. Marriage C. Forfeiture D. Multiple Subscription Purchases 5.) Personal Identification Numbers All I.A.s will have a unique Personal Identification or Username that identifies them as an I.A. and Member of ReferLife. Personal ID or Usernames must be used in all communications with ReferLife at all times. 6.) Rights and Obligations of an I.A. A. Ethics There are 3 levels of termination where if a member or affiliate is found to be involved with unethical activities, or activities considered detrimental to ReferLife in any way. 1: They may be placed on probation with all income lost for the suspended period. 2: If temporarily terminated this would be for up to a 1 year period. At the end of the year the member would have to complete a new registration. 3: If permanently terminated this would mean that you would not be allowed to participate at any time in the future. There will be an investigation prior to any decision being rendered where a probation or termination order is given. B. Co-Mingling of Funds An I.A. must make their payment payable to Xpress Marketing on behalf of ReferLife only. No I.A. shall accept funds for membership fees and co-mingle them with their personal or business accounts. ReferLife may terminate any I.A. discovered co-mingling funds or operating a bank account in the name of ReferLife or Xpress Marketing or any other similar name. C. Territorial Rights/Obtaining Referrals across Borders The I.A. is responsible for knowing and adhering to all laws and accepted business practices in the countries they choose to market. This includes but is not limited to Customs and Immigration Laws and accepted marketing practices. 7.) Sponsoring New Independent Affiliates A. I.A. Agreements New I.A.s must be of legal age to enter into a contract and complete a membership form online at the ReferLife website. Subscription Upgrades and associated fees may be paid by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, crypto currency, certified check (cheque), bank draft or money order. The start date of an I.A. is the date that their completed registration form is entered and subscriptions start when payment has been made and received. B. Representation The I.A. shall make no claim or inference to prospective new members as to the anticipated or actual income an I.A. might earn. ReferLife makes no guarantees of income, nor assurances of any profits or success. Furthermore, any profits or success resulting from activities as an I.A. will be based upon new member purchases obtained by their Sales Group. Any success achieved will be based solely upon the I.A.’s effort, commitment and skills. Each I.A. understands that no governmental authority or other regulatory authorities ever reviews, endorses or otherwise approves any product, membership or compensation program of any marketing company. As such, each I.A. shall make no such claim to a prospective I.A.. In the event that a question arises concerning ReferLife’s compliance with the law, such question shall be submitted to ReferLife in writing. The I.A. shall make no false claims or misleading statements concerning these relationships and understand that if they do, their relationship with ReferLife may be terminated and all commissions and bonuses forfeited. The I.A. agrees to indemnify and hold ReferLife harmless from all claims, damages and expenses, including attorney fees arising out of actions or conduct in violation of the Policies and Procedures, and Terms and Conditions. C. I.A. Disputes D. Changing your Sponsor An I.A. may join ReferLife under a new referral only after a period of no less than 1 full calendar year from the date of resignation or no less than 1 full calendar year after an I.A. fails to renew. All resignations must be in writing and delivered to ReferLife. ReferLife reserves the right to change a member's or Independent Affiliate's sponsor if; a: the sponsor has been inactive and unsupportive of his referral for a period that exceeds 6 calendar months b: it is found that unethical or misleading practices were used by a sponsor and complaints were raised against the sponsor. These are the 2 issues where ReferLife at its discretion may take action and move a referral from a sponsor. This is only done after an investigation is completed and a ruling is given. 8.) Maintaining/Changing the Status of your Business A. Yearly and Monthly Subscription Membership Fee B. Transferring or Assigning Your I.A. Status The I.A. status WILL NOT be considered transferred until it is approved by ReferLife. Therefore, DO NOT accept any funds from the potential buyer until the transfer has been approved and finalized. ReferLife charges USD $500 to process any approved transfer or approved sales. C. Transfer/Disposition of I.A. Position D. Change of e-mail address and change of information 9.) Advertising and Promotion A. Use of Corporate Marks The I.A. must promptly cooperate with ReferLife in connection with a request to discontinue any unauthorized use of ReferLife’s Corporate Marks or copyrighted materials. B. Websites C. Approved Literature/Referral Aids ReferLife prohibits the distribution or use of any literature, advertisements, flyers, recordings, etc., bearing or referencing the name and/or logo of ReferLife, unless approved in writing by ReferLife. ReferLife prohibits the distribution or resale of any referral aids. Any action of this nature may result in termination. D. Media Inquiries and Personal Appearances by an I.A. In order to assure accurate and consistent information is provided to the public I.A.s shall not respond to any form of media inquiries regarding ReferLife, its services or products. Refer all media inquiries to ReferLife at admin@referlife.com E. Advertising Media F. NO SPAM POLICY, Third Party Solicitation, Conventions and Trade Shows The I.A. is prohibited from third party solicitation by spamming, fax blasting, direct mail, contests, telemarketing, sweepstakes and drawings. ReferLife only authorizes referrals by means of personal solicitation of memberships. 10.) Indemnification Each I.A. agrees to indemnify and hold ReferLife, including without limitations its directors, officers, employees, and shareholders from any and all liabilities, claims, expenses and damages (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of the use of this site, which also includes but not limited to, the products and compensation plan in any manner whatsoever. 11.) Compliance These Policies and Procedures were created to define the relationship that exists between the I.A. and ReferLife. These Policies and Procedures ensure acceptable conduct of daily business operations. It is important that you read and understand the Policy and Procedures, and Terms and Conditions before registering as an I.A.. It is equally important that you frequently check the ReferLife website for revised versions. All I.A.s are bound by the Policies and Procedures, and Terms and Conditions, and any amendments made to them. ReferLife reserves the right to amend the Polices and Procedures as ReferLife deems necessary. Any I.A. who violates any provision of the Policies and Procedures, may be promptly terminated by ReferLife. Termination cancels any and all rights. Any disputes between an I.A. and ReferLife in relation to any part of the Policy and Procedures, and Terms and Conditions will be resolved through binding arbitration by the board of directors. An I.A. who is terminated will not be entitled to the refund of their original membership fees or any commissions or bonuses of any sort. By submitting your registration and payment for your license and subscription to Xpress Marketing and ReferLife you are confirming that you have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of your subscription purchase, as well as to these Policies and Procedures that govern ReferLife.
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Privacy Policy 1. How We Protect Your Privacy. 2. Minors. 3. Privacy Policy Is Part Of Our Terms And Conditions Of Use. 4. The Type Of Information We Collect From You. 5. What We Do With Your Information. From time to time, we may use third party suppliers to provide services on our website. If a supplier wants to collect information about you, you will be notified. However, you will never be required to give information to a third party supplier. We restrict the way third party suppliers can use your information. They are not allowed to sell or give your information to others. 6. User Names And Passwords. 7. Your Use Of Information And Unsolicited Junk E-Mail. 8. Your Voluntary Disclosure Of Information To Third Parties Who Are Not Our Suppliers. 9. Autoresponders. 10. Policy Changes. If you are concerned about the topic covered by this policy, you should read it each time before you use our website. This Privacy Policy was last updated on March 6, 2020 |
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